Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Opinion on ITC Limited-VRK100-24Jun2014

Opinion on the stock of ITC Limited through tweets

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Disclosure: The author is a long term investor in ITC stock.

Disclaimer: The author is an investment analyst with a vested interest in the Indian stock markets. This is for information purposes only. This should not be construed as investment advice. Investors should consult their own financial advisers before taking any investment decisions. The author blogs at:

Tweets at @vrk100

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Measures to Analyse Country Risk-VRK100-22Jun2014



Measures to Analyse Country Risk

The above are some of the measures, related to external accounts, used to analyse a country's risk.
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The following images (from old files) are included here after 06Oct2020 for reference purpose > 
These images are sourced from various web sources >
These images are just for information purposes only, this is not investment advice. Readers should consult their own advisers for advice before making any investment decisions.












Disclosure:  I've vested interested in Indian stocks. It's safe to assume I've interest in the stocks discussed, if any.

Disclaimer: The analysis and opinion provided here are only for information purposes and should not be construed as investment advice. Investors should consult their own financial advisers before making any investments. The author is an investment professional with a vested interest in financial markets. He blogs at:



 Twitter @vrk100